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2017-12-04 03:00
By Lo Hsin-chen and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writerA full-body wax likeness of late military commander Sun Li-jen (孫立人) was unveiled on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County. It is the first wax statue of the celebrated commander to be made, curators said.The likeness was commissioned by the museum at a cost of NT$400,000 and is built to scale, showing Sun in a seated position wearing his military uniform.Sun was head of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) elite New First Army that gained notoriety after it was responsible for the greatest number of Japanese casualties among all KMT army divisions during the Sino-Japanese War.The museum building, originally built by the Japanese in 1937 as living quarters for the captain of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service’s Eighth Squadron, later fell into disrepair until it was given historical status by the county government in 2002.County officials decided to turn the building into a museum to celebrate Sun’s achievements and contributions to the nation.Sun came to Taiwan in 1947 to train new officers to fight in the Chinese Civil War, hoping to reinforce the embattled KMT forces fighting the communists in China, and he notably drew from among Taiwan’s homeless youth for his army, housing them and offering them training in various camps throughout southern Taiwan.Sun is said to have maintained good rapport with his officers, eating with them and marching with them through wind and rain.Following the building’s designation as a historical site and the subsequent decision to restore it and house the museum there, four former senior officers under Sun’s command — Wang Wei-chieh (王偉傑), Shih Tsuo-hsin (時作新), Chang Kai-feng (張凱鋒) and Deng Hsueh-jui (鄧雪瑞) — each offered to donate NT$100,000 toward creating a wax likeness of Sun.The likeness was made by craftsman Lin Chien-cheng (林健成), who sought to capture Sun’s appearance at about 50 years old, when he was army commander-in-chief.Several former officers attended the statue’s unveiling, including Lo Kuang-jen (羅廣仁), the son of Sun’s former military photographer, Lo Chao-chun (羅超群), who shared several of his father’s photos of Sun at the ceremony.Sun spent 33 years of his life after 1955 under house arrest in Taichung, after it was alleged that he was collaborating with the CIA to undertake a coup against then-president Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and declare independence for Taiwan.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
蘋果公司(Apple)今天已釋出iOS 11.1.2正式版,主要針對iPhone X出現的幾項瑕疵(bug)進行修復。包括天冷時,iPhone X螢幕暫時無法回應觸控的問題。這也是iOS 11系統正式發布以來,蘋果進行的第7個版本,與先前釋出的iOS 11.1.1只相隔7天。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }
#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }iOS 11.1.2正式版修復在快速降溫後iPhone X螢幕暫時無法回應觸控的問題,以及解決iPhone X在使用Live Photos動態影像功能,拍攝或錄製時可能出現的失真問題。國外科技網站MacRumors報導,蘋果目前正在著手進行iOS 11.2的更新版本,該版本將支持iPhone 8、8Plus、X更高的無線充電效率,提升至7.5W,並修復一些錯誤和輕微的界面調整。iPhone X。 路透 分享 facebook
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